Hi everyone, here I am again, living my life, locked up once again. Do I want a girlfriend? Or do I not? Do you ever get those days where you sit there wondering what to do with your life? Or those depressing "I want a girlfriend moods"?
Well, I do too!
To be quite frank with you all I have not the slightest idea in which my love life is headed, I for one would like to know but it's yet to be proven as to whether one can predict the future or not and having said that it wouldn't be common anyways so I can kiss that one goodbye...
I guess I'll just be taking life as it comes, I can take advice, but I cannot take orders.
I hate it when people think they can control me, and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way too.
I've also got this fascination with asking questions, it's like my mind feels incomplete until I've asked every single question that my mind requires to have an answer to;
My one desire in life, is to enjoy it.
I guess this is my spot to vent, my little place where I can voice out every single thought in my head right now, I'll even mention how my head's spinning as I type this, and how my mind's travelling at a million miles an hour (or at least that's what it feels like)...
I'm gonna wrap it up here because I need to get to bed soon, I've become an insomniac or something or the sort, and that's merely one of my problems in life, but it's one of the most unhealthiest I tell you.
til next time,