Yesterday you held me. It was the best feeling in the world. Well, it sure felt like it anyway. You know they say when you can comfortably share silence with someone, and not feel the need to constantly talk shit so there's no silence... That's when you've found someone special. It feels like that with you. Special. Not just the time I spend with you, but you in general. You are special. In a million ways.
Sometimes I just wish I could hold your hand in public,
But daddy doesn't want you kissing a dropkick.
Sometimes I wish I could just wrap my arms around you in the street,
Or kiss you before you get on the train.
But I'm a man so I won't sit here and weap,
I'll just hope that you understand my pain.
The hours with you are spent like seconds,
But it's been worth it coz you taught me many lessons.
A year ago things were different, it felt like the old days.
Every week now I don't give a fuck, I just want Thursdays.
Sometimes I wonder if my heart's going through another craze,
But then I realise now it's all new and your guard's up, so I sit here amazed.
You still confuse me more than any other girl, older or wiser,
And deep down I know, the girl who has feelings for me... You despise her.
I wouldn't call it jealousy, but then I don't know if you trust me,
So I'll sit here and try explain it best I can, to see if you agree.
You don't want her to have me, but you'd rather not say.
For if you fall for me, then fall for you I may.
Maybe one day you'll believe me, that I'd rather it be us,
I want to call you my own, and possess your trust.
I wouldn't call myself religious, but as I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep.
And if I should die, before I wake.
I pray my love is yours to take.