New year. Woo fucking hoo.

Right now it's 1am, and I was just reading through my old posts on here that I wrote so many years ago... Well, 4 years ago to be exact.

I was a little kid, just venting his frustrations on an electronic blog. Not that anyone really gave a shit, except a few people that I knew who found certain things I said interesting. 4 years later and so much has changed. Ohh so much has changed.

Where can I start? I don't know where to start to be honest. Right now I feel wrecked, sleep deprived and honestly I am half way through a midnight workout. (Just taking a cheeky computer break hehe).

I've finally gotten a chance to sit down and write something on here this week as I've had a hectic week which involved the acts of getting "turnt up" and "shitfaced" as it is more commonly known in our society these days.

The main reasons for my intoxication though are very simple, more down to the fact that one of my new years resolutions last year was to cut all alcohol consumption to a bare minimum... And as I had succeeded in making that come true (I got drunk less than once a month this year as opposed to going out every week or 2nd week and getting plastered at nightclubs).

If you told me to tell you one thing that I've learnt in these past 4 years, I couldn't think to tell you just one damn thing. I've learnt so much and you know what? I'm happy with what I've learnt. But there is still yet so much to learn, and so much to experience.

Every year I say I will fuck certain people off out of my lives, and stop giving so many chances to every rat, dog and absolute scumbag on this earth. And every year I still give second chances, and third chances, and fourth chances to people who don't deserve it.

I have lost so many friends and made so many friends in the past 4 years. I have ended relationships and friendships with people I never would've imagined it possible with, but hey.. It happened. And that's life. But I moved on. And I guess that's one of the main lessons I've learnt in these four years now that you mention it.

Just fucking move on. Stop dwelling over things that could've been, should've been and would've been. Because you know what? They didn't happen.

We are all living in the present, so why should you live in the past? Why should you let imaginary scenarios dictate the way you live your life? I think that is one of the problems in today's world, especially the youth. People can't let things go. (I'm definitely guilty of this).

People will experience one thing and let it ruin their lives for long periods of time after it.

If you asked me what my number one goal is for this year, people who know me personally would assume quite a few obvious goals; getting my license, travelling to Europe etc.

But I think my main goal is going to be to stop procrastinating shit and just fucking DO things. I think I should start living on the edge a little bit more. I always wanted to live spontaneously, however my friendship circle does not allow for many spontaneous activities to take place. So fuck my friendship circle. I will be spontaneous alone.

To be perfectly honest, I do not imagine I will have alot of time to update this blog that often this year with the stuff going on in my life as I am planning on having a big year, and quite frankly I don't even know how many people read the thing anymore anyway. However, I do envisage myself contributing at least to the growth of this blog every now and then and I will try to at least write something interesting here and there for you lot to read.

I honestly don't know what my intention was with this post, and frankly I don't give a shit. My writing may be a little rusty as I don't write as much as I used to, but hopefully I didn't bore the living daylights out of you with my completely random and utterly pointless post. :)

Till we meet again,